Hello everyone! I am Techy DarshaN, Today in this occasion our Tutorial is How to Add Automatic Conclusion With Labels in Blogger?, If you have a Website but you are too lazy and tired to write a Conclusion at the End of the posts Then this Post is gonna be very helpful to you to Automate your work and save your time. So, Follow all steps to implement this feature in your site and save your time.
What is Automatic Conclusion with labels ?
If you are very lazy or too tired of writing Conclusions at the End of all posts then just follow all steps carefully to Automate your work of writing Conclusions and save your time. "Time is Money".
Well, As the name itself Indicates Automatic, The codes I am gonna provide you today will really automate your work of writing Conclusion to your each and every post and also it automatically adds the Title of the Post with some Concluding words and you can also customize the concluding words as you wish. In addition it will also adds the Labels of the post with the clickable Label Links so that users can easily view all the posts with same labels.
To implement this Automatic Conclusion With Labels in your blogger site Follow all the below steps carefully.
- Automates your work
- No need to write Conclusions to your Post
- Saves your Time
- Adds the Title of the Post
- Adds the Labels of post with label links
- You can also use it for adding a Disclaimer or something which you wanna show in every post
Let's Begin
How to Add Automatic Conclusion With Labels in Blogger?
Step 1: Login to your Blogger Dashboard
Step 2: Go to Themes section
Step 3: Click on the Drop Down Arrow and Select Edit HTML
Step 4: Now search for
or </style>
and paste the following CSS just above to it #TDconclusion{padding:5px;background:#F2F6FC;font-size:15px;color:#000000;box-shadow:3px 3px 8px #777}
Step 5: Now search for
and paste the following HTML just below to it .Mainly this
code appears 3 Times in a theme paste the Following HTML below the most recent one or or the Last oneCustomize the Highlighted Text according to your wish
<div> <h1><b>Conclusion </b></h1> <p> 💖 I this post i have made a step by step tutorial on <b><data:post.title/></b>. I hope you have liked it and Please do share with your friends and follow our blog for more</p> <p> if you face any problems in code or have any questions please feel free to ask in comments section or Contact us</p> </div><div id='TDconclusion'> <small><strong>Labels :</strong> <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <a expr:href='data:label.url + "?max-results= 5 "' expr:title='data:label.name' rel='tag nofollow'><data:label.name/></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'> ,</b:if> </b:loop> </small> </div>
You Must Use Labels For All Your Posts
Step 6: Now click on Save Theme if you have followed all steps correctly!Now You have Successfully Added Automatic Conclusion With Labels in your Blogger site.
In this post I have made a Step by step tutorial on How to Add Automatic Conclusion With Labels in Blogger. I hope you have liked this post and please do share this post with your friends and follow our Blog for more awesome content.
If you face any problems in code or have any question please feel to ask in comments section or join out Telegram Chanel For Discussion.
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