Hello Everyone! Welcome back to Techy Darshan, Today on this occasion our tutorial is How to make a Responsive Card Hover Effect in blogger, Card Hover Effect possesses a cool design with a white background definitely it doesn't disappoint you.
Card Hover Effect ?
Card Hover Effect consists full of animation so that without even any interactivity we can get the animation.Here’s one of the simplest card hover effects that you can achieve with just CSS. It includes expansion effect along with a change in icon color. The one we have here changes the icon background from gradient to dark.
While doing so the icon takes the original background color. With this card hover, animation designers can maintain the theme color of the website even in dynamic situations.
Such card examples are an alternative to the navigation menu. When there’s less number of navigation option then designers can go for this one. This is because it makes the full utilization of the space while getting a beautiful layout. Alternatively, the hold the key to more options by categorization.
- Express your services
- Dynamic look to your blog
- Attractive hover effect
- Navigate your users
- New Ui/Ux design
- Change your old Card effect to this new one
How to make a Responsive Card Hover Effect in blogger ?
You can add this card in Posts or Homepage
Edit the text and title according to you
<div class="container"> <div class="card"> <div class="box"> <div class="content"> <h2>01</h2> <h3>Card One</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus, placeat ea odio illo laudantium assumenda laborum aspernatur, necessitatibus vel, possimus et.</p> <a href="#">read more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="box"> <div class="content"> <h2>02</h2> <h3>Card Two</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus, placeat ea odio illo laudantium assumenda laborum aspernatur, necessitatibus vel, possimus et.</p> <a href="#">read more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="box"> <div class="content"> <h2>03</h2> <h3>Card Three</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus, placeat ea odio illo laudantium assumenda laborum aspernatur, necessitatibus vel, possimus et.</p> <a href="#">read more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .container{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;max-width:1200px;flex-wrap:wrap;padding:40px 0}.container .card{position:relative;width:320px;height:440px;box-shadow:inset 5px 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.05),inset -5px -5px 5px rgba(255,255,255,0.05),5px 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.05),-5px -5px 5px rgba(255,255,255,0.05);border-radius:15px;margin:30px}.container .card .box{position:absolute;top:20px;left:20px;right:20px;bottom:20px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border-radius:15px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;transition:0.5s}.container .card:hover .box{transform:translateY(-50px);box-shadow:0 10px 40px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);background:linear-gradient(45deg,#f747f2,#4f29cd)}.container .card .box .content{padding:20px;text-align:center}.container .card .box .content h2{position:absolute;top:-10px;right:30px;font-size:8em;color:rgba(0,0,0,0.02);transition:0.5s;pointer-events:none}.container .card:hover .box .content h2{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.05)}.container .card .box .content h3{color:#777;font-size:1.8em;z-index:1;transition:0.5s;pointer-events:none}.container .card .box .content p{font-size:1em;font-weight:300;color:#777;z-index:1;transition:0.5s;pointer-events:none}.container .card:hover .box .content h3,.container .card:hover .box .content p{color:#fff}.container .card .box .content a{position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:8px 20px;background:#03a9f4;margin-top:15px;border-radius:20px;color:#fff;text-decoration:none;font-weight:400;box-shadow:0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}.container .card:hover .box .content a{background:#ff568f} </style>
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